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Week one ... 🥰

Writer: Dennis & Jodi Samantha GinterDennis & Jodi Samantha Ginter

With week one behind us, we are very excited to see what the coming weeks will hold for us! The first week was The Character and Nature of God... and so amazing! We learned so much from was absolutely insightful! Next week we are learning Intimacy with God and we are really forward to it!

Our week was filled with classes (about 3.5hour a day), work duties (2hours a day), hunger times in the morning (1/2 hour), worship times, intercession times, and then times of learning about base. Very full days! In the coming weeks we are told that we will be slowing down a bit (but we have the schedule so we will see. Dennis and I have yet to pick our electives as that will add another 3-4 hours to our schedules each week along with ministries and work duties. And we want to make sure that we have time together that is not always school related- and we have been encouraged to have date nights, etc.

We have been so enjoying our bits of downtime here and are spending much time reflecting on His faithfulness in our lives - God is good, all the time! We are so thankful to have wonderful friends and family who have shared in our joy and excitement and we praise Him all the time for that! I couldn’t flip my camera while video-ing and i couldn’t get a second video added of the view from the roof. I will make a separate post done one day with that! So for now I will sign off and say thank you and we love you!


Dennis & Jodi



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